When I first got my camera, almost three years ago, I started with a small camera bag. Since then, I am on my third bag. I have many gadgets and gizmo's to add to my photography "collection". My bags keep getting bigger and bigger!!! I love getting new "toys" to add to my collection!
Since I have always enjoyed taking pictures, I thought I would start a link for my photography page. So I did this, on facebook. The other day, one of my friends was asking me about my photography. It was then that I realized that having a photography page on facebook isn't going to be very effective, when there are people who don't have facebook. So, I am making this blog to help share my work!!! I do not know how much sense that made, but it made sense in my head! ;)
Just so we are clear, all the pictures that I may post on here have been taking by myself. They are mine and I have all rights to them. I do NOT post every picture I take for different reasons. I have taken literally THOUSANDS of pictures! (if you don't believe me, ask my husband...he complains I have too many pictures on the computer...lol)
Please do not copy pictures from this blog to print up, etc. If you would like a copy of any pictures, contact me!
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